Our primary purpose is to provide training in advanced pastoral skills while offering ongoing spiritual care opportunities for Lutheran pastors.   Participants will be refreshed and equipped as a result of their participation in a program of soul care grounded in Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions. The Classic program provides an excellent setting for clergy to reflect on their own spiritual health and offers a curriculum carefully crafted to help them review and enhance their professional competencies and skills.  The DOXOLOGY Classic program strengthens pastors so they can more faithfully pastor others.

A complete summary of the Classic program’s instructional modules for the first event (for pastors) and the second event (for pastors and laity) is available here.

Access short video collages from our events and evaluations from participants via DOXOLOGY’s YouTube Channel here

The Classic program curriculum: 

  1. Provides resources, insights, teaching, admonition, encouragement, new tools and strategies needed to move beyond “survival functioning in pastoral ministry” to joyful service in the pastoral life and calling.
  2. Provides opportunities for immediate and ongoing care to nurture and encourage pastors whose personal lives may have been burdened by stress and isolation or wounded by sin, depression, conflict, fear, or hopelessness.
  3. Yields critical insights to enhance the practice and pedagogy of spiritual care and counsel.
  4. Benefits from team casuistry and the support and experience of fellow pastors enrolled in this renewal experience.

Pastors participating in the DOXOLOGY Classic program will:

  1. Prize and embrace their identity as called and ordained servants of God.
  2. Explore the art of spiritual care and enhance their skills as physicians of the soul to assist those entrusted to their care to find health and healing in God through His gracious Word and Sacraments.
  3. Have an opportunity to benefit from receiving individual spiritual care and personal counsel.
  4. Establish and maintain meaningful professional relationships with peers through personal interaction.
  5. Return to their parish renewed, strengthened, and equipped in their vocation to preach, teach, and administer God’s Holy sacraments faithfully.

The DOXOLOGY Classic program is an intensive clergy renewal program involving three distinct conference retreats that ordinarily take place over a twelve to eighteen month interval.

DOXOLOGY is grateful to the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod for its ongoing financial support of our efforts to serve pastors, their families and parishioners.


Doxology provides a safe environment for clergy to reflect on their own spiritual and emotional health and assists them to review and enhance their professional competencies and skills as servants of Christ and stewards of God’s sacred mysteries.

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