Stiegemeyer, Scott E., How do You Know Whether you are a Man or a Woman? Concordia Theological Quarterly, January/April 2015, 79:1-2, 19-48.

The transformation of Bruce Jenner into Caitlyn Jenner in 2015 has brought the issue of gender identity into the lives of almost every American. How will Christians respond? Well, we have already begun to think through these issues. In 2014, the Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) of The Lutheran Church―Missouri Synod published a document entitled: Gender Identity Disorder or Gender Dysphoria in Christian Perspective. The CTCR is to be commended for addressing this important issue that has captured the attention of the American public. Given that the CTCR document is simply too brief to address the many issues related to this complex subject, this article will provide supplemental information and observations to shed further light on the subject…


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