Dr. John W. Kleinig
Professor Emeritus, Luther Campus
Adelaide, Australia
Elm Grove Lutheran Church– Elm Grove, Wisconsin
September 8, 2018

Dr. John W. Kleinig, Professor Emeritus at Luther Campus, Adelaide, Australia is renowned the world over as a scholar, pastor, and an engaging and inspiring Bible teacher. His many published works include two Bible Commentaries in the Concordia Commentary Series, Leviticus (2003) and Hebrews (2017). His acclaimed book Grace Upon Grace (2008), equips people for confident, joy-filled Christian living.
At the seminar, Dr. Kleinig will preview some of the themes from his forthcoming book: Wonderfully Made: Seeing Our Bodies as God Sees Them. His book, expected sometime later this year, will present a Lutheran theology of the body, extolling the biblical view of the human body under the following chapter headings:
- The Created Body: Personal Embodiment
- Our Makeover: The Redemption of the Body
- The Spiritual Body: Dying and Rising with Christ
- Sexual Embodiment: Sex with a Good Conscience
The Purpose of this Seminar:
With the legal redefinition of marriage, the confusion regarding gender, and rapidly changing sexual mores in society, biblical singles, couples, and parents are looking for guidance in articulating and promoting a positive view of the Christian vision for marriage and sexuality. Our goal is to equip people with the tools to speak constructively and to live confidently amid the current confusion.