Senkbeil, Harold L. Pastor, Psalms, and Day by Day Life: Visitation, Sickbed, and Deathbed. Good Shepherd Institute. Concordia Theological Seminary-Fort Wayne, Indiana. 2002
It is especially fitting that the Good Shepherd Institute should devote an annual conference to Psalms in the Life of the Church. For in these divinely-revealed songs Christ our Lord, the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep, continues to cause His voice to be heard, refreshing each of His sheep and His entire flock with the living water of His death-destroying, life-bestowing Word; calling sinners to repentance while leading wounded, broken refugees from this fallen world out of this present darkness into the bright courts of His never-ending light. These Psalms are a guidebook through life, a companion on the journey. For the church remains a pilgrim people…